Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Future of Suburbs ?

Picture this: you're driving through the suburbs and come upon a good looking manicured neighborhood that surrounds a local golf course, nice right? Well in the not so far off future this same style of neighborhood may be slightly different ... take out the golf coure and insert a real working farm. Talk about fresh food! The community would have not only a working farm but spaces for a farmers market, a farm to table restaurant and more. (Very pedestrian friendly) Homeowners could choose to participate in the actual process of growing in exchange for the crops they produce or just leave it up to the farmer. Sounds like a win -win-win ... Win for the farmer, win for the homeowner and win for the planet. Check out this info:

Agriburbia Principles
Agriburbia® promotes and supports the following policies and principles:
•Agricultural Production: No loss of agricultural value or revenue ("Green Fields" development), or production of dietary requirements of the project or equivalent cash from sales crops, or combination thereof.
•Locally Grown Food: Production of a significant portion (30 to 50%) of dietary requirements grown within or in the immediate surrounding area of the community
•Conserves and Promotes Natural Resources: Appropriate and efficient use of natural resources to provide housing, transportation, recreation and fresh food through creative, harmonious land planning and landscape architecture for the community. This includes use of alternative energy sources as well as land and water.
•Self Sufficiency: Provide a commercially viable opportunity for enhanced self- sufficiency for community residents, tenants, and guests.
•Sustainable Energy Practices : Integrate solar and geothermal technology to provide sustainable energy sources for the community.
•Financing: Incorporate established entities (Metropolitan Districts, HOAs) to finance both traditional infrastructure (streets, water, sewer) and environmentally friendly agricultural infrastructure (drip irrigation)

*Quoted from   12/18/13

     I personally love the idea but if you know me I am sort of a "green person"so this just makes sense. I would love to see a generation of kids brought up on or around farms again so they can become the next great stewards of this planet. Imagine, kids playing outside, knowing exactly where their food comes from, unheard of nowadays. It's like getting back to basics but country on the edge of the city. Perfect!

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