Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Great News Coming for Military/Vets !

The House of Representatives has unanimously voted to extend the $8000. tax credit for first time home buyers to active duty or returning vets that have been deployed. This now goes before the Senate where it is expected too also pass, then it will become law. The actual guidelines will be announced once the Senate has passed but
it looks like it will be extended until November 2010, for qualifying members.
If you are thinking about making the move to home ownership, contact me today. For more information use the link:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Been a While ...

Ok, so it's been a while since I've blogged here, it's because I have been busy trying to get homes sold and first time homebuyers into homes before the FREE $8,000 tax credit expires! Now that we have reached the end of what appears to have been a very successful attempt at getting buyers back into the real estate market, there is talk of the credit being extended and expanded. Until I see something "official" in writing from the the government, I am keeping my fingers crossed. Would you like to see a bigger tax credit available to more people for a longer time period? For instance: if the credit were $10,000 for any home buyer (not just first time or those with limited incomes) and it did not have to be paid back and the offer was good through 2010, would you then consider moving or buying a home? I still believe that the real estate market runs in cycles, it will eventually come back, on it's own, if given enough time. So, is it wise to spend more tax money to just speed up the time table while prolonging the deficit? Wow, deep thoughts?