Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Sandy" Day at the Beach

Hurricane Sandy has swept thru the region, for the most part sparing us here in Va. Beach but leaving a path of devastation throughout the Northeast. See my link here for the New York Times article covering the story:
We suffered only minor flooding and wind damage here. The usual items like siding, shallow rooted trees, drivers who tried to forge thru deep water but failed or parked cars in the wrong place and low lying homes were affected most. To those of you up North affected by this massive storm, my prayers go out to you for a quick recovery. This was a storm for the history books. Future storms will be compared to this one and let's hope there isn't another one like it again!

Friday, October 19, 2012

"Disturbing" Spirits

At Halloween time, we hear way more stories and tall tales about spirits and such, check out this article I found about remodeling ...   do you think it can rouse the spirits?
Visit for more articles like this.
Now some people are true believers in "paranormal" events ... others, not so much and there are outright skeptics. I am a believer in things that are just plain unexplainable. I've had some incredible things happen to me personally so I am not a skeptic. Have you had any "other worldly" experiences? I'd love to hear them. Happy Hauntings!