This is information is taken directly from "Wikipedia" : on 9/17/15.
The Blue Angels is the United States Navy's flight demonstration squadron, with aviators from the Navy and Marines. The Blue Angels team was formed in 1946,[1] making it the second oldest formal flying aerobatic team (under the same name) in the world, after the French Patrouille de France formed in 1931. The Blue Angels' six demonstration pilots fly the F/A-18 Hornet, typically in more than 70 shows at 34 locations throughout the United States each year, where they still employ many of the same practices and techniques used in their aerial displays in 1946. An estimated 11 million spectators view the squadron during air shows each full year. The Blue Angels also visit more than 50,000 people in a standard show season (March through November) in schools and hospitals.[2] Since 1946, the Blue Angels have flown for more than 260 million spectators.[3
*I will add to this; that the Blue Angels are now in town (Virginia Beach) to perform at the annual "Neptune Festival" and I for one, am always glad to see them. There is just something about that sound of them literally ripping the sky open as they jet past just under the speed of sound. And when that sound finally hits you, it sends reverberations deep through your body and it feels like it echos inside your own chest. By instinct you cover your ears and possibly "duck down" if they are in a low level fly by. Not to mention, the adrenaline rush you get afterwards just thinking about how all that metal can fly through the sky like that? Makes you think about those guys who do that for a living .. fly military aircraft. Proud to be an American, still moved by their performances, each and every time I see it. See you at the show? (Sat 9/19 and Sun 9/20, NAS Oceana, and yes, it is open to the public.)
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