You see them advertised all the time: Home Buyers Seminar or Home Buying Workshops, well what do you really get from attending one? First: You get information about home buying. Usually, trained and licensed professionals will be conducting this class and they will give you a brief explanation of the home buying process, like, what comes first, the offer or the inspection? What's the difference between real estate agents and REALTORS*? Look for or ask if, licensed real estate agents (or even better REALTORS*) and loan officers will be present. Second: You make contacts with people who are already in the business of real estate. They know the ropes and they know other people in the business that you may need during the purchase of your next home. Not everyone carries around the number for a good termite inspector or an appraiser in their pocket. Get contact information and recommendations of their contractors for future use. Third: You get to speak to real live people, like a real estate agent (or even better if they are REALTORS*) and loan officers. Bring your questions and ask. They can listen to your wants and needs and help you determine the best methods to achieve those goals. The whole class/seminar should only take about 1 hour and the information you can walk away with is priceless, if you are thinking about buying or plan to in the near future. The good ones have nothing to sell, and it should not cost anything to go. The sponsor will likely want to collect your contact information so it costs you an email address ... you can always delete them later if the information they send you is not of value to you. You may choose to take it a step further and start a relationship with an agent or a loan officer to begin the pre-qualification process or begin an MLS home search. A lot of times they will do that for FREE for seminar attendees. Take all the information home with you they hand out, then actually read it! If you learn just one thing that could save you , time, money and heartache on your next home purchase, the hour invested was well worth it! Springtime is a popular time for home buyer classes so check the papers or places like Craigslist for one near you soon. If you aren't a "classroom or crowd" loving person, call a trusted friend for a REALTOR* recommendation. Your REALTOR* can walk (or talk) you through the process. Happy House Hunting!
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