Friday, October 31, 2014

Time to VOTE and Set Those Clocks Back!

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th is GENERAL ELECTION DAY! It's that time again ... time to vote and on SUNDAY, November 2nd (at 2 am) we set the clocks back to end daylight savings time! Voting is a right we should all take seriously. My theory is: if you don't vote, you can't complain ... so you know I always vote! I hope you are all registered and ready to vote, including (in some places) having an approved "picture" ID with you as it is literally too late to get it done now for this election but a perfect time to get it done so you are ready for the next one. I have included a link here for you to see all the Upcoming election dates and deadlines for your home state. Please use it to make your plan to get in and vote! (Please note: it varies from state to state and employer to employer who allows employees time off to vote, whether paid or pay is docked or if proof of voting is required: Check with your employer before voting day.) If you want to make a difference in how the government, city, state or country is run today and in the future, vote now and take somebody else with you to do the same. * A note to my military peeps: you guys and gals can vote absentee wherever you are, so do it! Roger that? And don't forget to set those clocks back on Sunday (or Saturday night before you go to bed). Happy returns!
Why do you vote? (Or not vote?)

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