Monday, April 23, 2012

DNS Malware (July 9th Computer Virus)

What is "DNS Malware" and better yet, why do I need to know? First remember this, I am no computer genius, as a matter of fact I was born BC (before computers)!
     Apparently there has been another major computer virus type thingy (malware) out there on the internet, infecting millions of computers without notice. Even the FBI has been working on this one trying to get it cleaned up. How do you know if you are infected? Well, when the FBI shuts down it's backup system on July 9th, 2012, if you can no longer connect to the internet ... yep, you've got it! So how can you prevent that from happening? Go to the FBI website ( ) search for more information or click on the link
HERE that I have provided to the best FBI article I could find on it. It tells you how to determine if you have it. (Click on "check your computers DNS settings", then choose your link by language) It's an easy click through, and simple to read (color test). It even gives some links to instructions for how to get rid of it. Do it before July 9th, just in case! After that, you're on your own.
     I checked mine, I am good to go! Guess I'll still be blogging after July 9th. Hope you will still be here to see me.

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