Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Saving the Mortgage Interest Deduction

What is the "mortgage interest deduction"? It's the amount of money homeowners are allowed to "write off' or take as a deduction on their annual taxes, based on their mortgage interest paid annually. It was meant to encourage home ownership. It is one of the many benefits to homeowners.
The current government is talking about doing away with this benefit, please read the article (Source: www.nahb.com) and call your representative to voice your surrport for this bill (HR 25).

Take Action and Stay Connected

Help Save the Mortgage Interest Deduction
A resolution that supports retaining the mortgage interest deduction is pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Introduced by Rep. Gary Miller of California, H. Res. 25 states that “the current Federal income tax deduction for interest paid on debt secured by a first or second home should not be further restricted.”
At present, there are more than 90 co-sponsors for this important resolution. Show YOUR support for the mortgage interest deduction and tell your Representative to co-sponsor H. Res. 25:
Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 to reach your Representative's office.
Visit www.House.gov to find your Representative's website and send an e-mail in support of H. Res. 25.
And . . . be sure to thank your Representative if he/she is already a co-sponsor of H.Res. 25 or decides to become a co-sponsor.
Read the resolution

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